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时间:2024-04-19 14:05:17
1、分手了,不是我配不上你,而是你配不上我。 Break up, not I can't deserve you, but you can't deserve me. 2、我有感情洁癖,不能让我独自拥有,我就不要。 I have a feeling of pure fetish, can not let me own, I don't want. 3、说过很多潇洒的话,做过很多打脸的事,我就是这么得意洋洋。 I said a lot of smart words, did a lot of face fighting, I am so pleased. 4、与其安慰自己平凡可贵,不如拼尽全力活得漂亮。 Rather than comfort yourself ordinary and valuable, it is better to work hard to live a beautiful life. 5、有那么多人看着我等着我倒下,我拼了命也不能输。 There are so many people watching me waiting for me to fall, I can not lose my life. 6、入我心还是入我眼,我从来都是让你选。 I have always asked you to choose whether to enter my heart or my eyes. 7、脾气随人而定,你什么货色我就什么脸色。 Temper depends on people, you what kind of goods I face. 8、所有的妥协终是为梦想开出繁花一片。 All compromises are to make flowers for dreams. 9、我这个人很好相处,处不好自己找原因。 I am a good person to get along with, and I can't find out why. 10、没有人会太关心你,除非你很漂亮或濒临死亡。 No one will care too much about you unless you are beautiful or dying. 11、喜欢你才对你幼稚,不喜欢你分分钟成熟过你爹。 Like you only to you childish, do not like you mature your father minutes. 12、要么给我爱,要么给我钱,要么给我滚! Either give me love, or give me money, or roll me! 13、别去攀,别去比,别拿畜生气自己。 Don't climb, don't compare, don't take the animal angry with yourself. 14、我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 My world, I understand it alone. 15、笑就大方地笑,哭就躲起来哭,这样比较酷。 Smile and laugh generously. Cry and hide and cry. It is cool. 16、长得漂亮是你们的优势,活得漂亮是我的本事。 It's your advantage to be beautiful. It's my ability to live beautiful. 17、虚情假意的人你别说对不起,你滚就是很好的道歉。 You don't say sorry to be a hypocritical person. You can't get out of the way. 18、该走走,该留留,今后一律不强求。 We should go, stay, and we will not make any strong demands in the future. 19、我捧你的时候你是杯子,松手的时候你是玻璃渣子。 You are a cup when I hold you, and you are glass residue when I release your hands. 20、迟迟不肯公开我的身份,你到底在给谁留机会。 I will not open my identity later. Who are you giving me the chance. 21、我能走九十九步去爱你,也能退一百零一步离开你。 I can go ninety-nine steps to love you, and I can step back and leave you. 22、我要挂着一串铃铛,背着一把小弩,去江湖里找心上人。 I will hang a string of bells, carry a small crossbow, go to the Jianghu to find the person in mind. 23、不要轻易对别人好,因为只会让别人觉得你的好很廉价。 Don't be nice to others easily, because it only makes others feel that your good is cheap. 24、我忘了世界还有一种人火星人,你从那来的吧。 I forgot that there is a Martian in the world. You came from there. 25、将来的你一定会感谢现在拼命努力的你。 You will thank you for your hard work now. 26、大家都是*一次出来做人,我凭什么让着你。 Everyone is the first time to come out to be a person. Why can I let you. 27、我爱你时你才闪耀,我不爱你你算个毛。 You shine when I love you. I don't love you. You are a hair. 28、在你转身之后,我的心就已经碎成了两半。 After you turn around, my heart has broken in half. 29、不要给我压力,那将是我成为你上司的动力。 Don't put pressure on me, that's going to be the motivation for me to be your boss. 30、握不住的沙不如扬了它,养不熟的狗不如炖了它。 The sand that cannot be held is better than Yang it, and the dog that is not cooked is better than stewed. 31、我说了没关系,你就不需要发给自己多大的抱歉感。 I said it doesn't matter, you don't have to send yourself how sorry. 32、希望你活的尽兴,而不是过得庆幸。 I hope you live a good life, not a good time. 33、不主动会失去,太主动不会珍惜,这就是人心。 If you don't take the initiative, you will lose it. If you are too active, you will not cherish it. That is the heart of the people. 34、一切暧昧情愫都请绕道,不是我高傲,是你不懂的悲伤情调。 Please bypass all ambiguous feelings. It is not my pride, but also the sad sentiment you don't understand. 35、如果你放不下曾经,那么你就永远走不到未来。 If you can't put it down, you'll never be able to go to the future. 36、男人可以苦一辈子,但是千万不能苦了跟你一辈子的女人。 Men can be bitter for a lifetime, but never suffer with the women of your life. 37、我要的幸福很简单,有人爱,有事做,有期待。 I want happiness is simple, someone loves, does something, has the expectation. 38、我独身穿越人海,却救赎不回被时间绑架的你。 I cross the sea of man alone, but I can not redeem you who were kidnapped by time. 39、你若爱,生活哪里都可爱。你若恨,生活哪里都可恨。 If you love, life is lovely everywhere. If you hate, life is hateful everywhere. 40、笑给你很讨厌的人看,能多嚣张就多嚣张。 Laugh to the person you hate most, can be arrogant how arrogant. 41、我只想能够和你在一起,只要在一起,即使死亡又何妨。 I just want to be with you, just be with me, even if I die. 42、我不是玻璃或水晶,不会让人轻易就看透。 I'm not glass or crystal, and I won't be easy to see through. 43、不开心就不要埋的太深啦,坏情绪是会发芽的。 Don't bury too much when you are unhappy. Bad mood will sprout. 44、现实扇了你好几巴掌,你还继续自我欺骗。 Reality has slapped you a few times, you continue to cheat yourself. 45、男人拽,照样甩,一样在我黑名单摇摆。 The man pulls, throws like that, swings in my blacklist. 46、你可以不看我,但不可以贬低我。 You can't look at me, but you can't belittle me. 47、我擅长气人,拉远距离,斩断人际关系。 I am good at being angry, pulling distance, and breaking off relationships. 48、碰不得的东西,很好别碰,惹不起我的人,很好别惹。 It is better not to touch something that can't be touched, the person who can't make me angry, or better not to get involved. 49、你们都说我负天下人,可你们天下人又何曾善待过我。 You all say that I am the man of the world, but why have you ever treated me well. 50、世界太暗,人心太黑,我们太傻,爱情太假。 The world is too dark, the people are too dark, we are too stupid, love is too false. 51、你拽什么拽啊?有本事就马上娶了我。 What do you drag? I was married immediately if I had the ability. 52、如果你不能给我我想要的,那么请你离我远点。 If you can't give me what I want, please stay away from me. 53、承诺太廉价,誓言不牢靠,现在谁在我身边,就对谁好点。 Promise is too cheap, oath is not reliable, who is by my side now, is better for who. 54、就算路不坦荡,也要做自己的太阳。 Even if the road is not open, you should be your own sun. 55、不是不会逢场作戏,只是不想在你身上浪费演技。 It's not that you don't want to play, just don't want to waste acting on you. 56、我是需要指点,但不是你的指指点点。 I need to point, but not your point. 57、若只是喜欢,何必夸张成爱。 If you just like it, why exaggerate it into love. 58、我若不强大,又怎能爱你所爱,毁你至爱呢。 If I am not strong, how can I love you and destroy your love. 59、唯你双手握得碎我,但我独享这折磨。 You only broke me with your hands, but I enjoyed the torture alone. 60、我们总是在敷衍,然后不停说抱歉。 We're always dressing up and then we're sorry. 61、我自己买得起啊,可是你买得我更开心。 I can afford it myself, but you can buy me happier. 62、你把我看的轻如鸿毛,就别指望自己还是我心中的泰山。 You look at me as light as a feather, don't expect yourself to be the Mount Tai in my heart. 63、既然能做女王,还做什么狗屁公主。 Since I can be queen, I can do anything else. 64、我们要向前看,不错过些歪瓜裂枣怎么知道什么是好。 We need to look forward, good to some crooked melon split jujube how to know what is good. 65、走错了路记得拐弯,爱错了人记得放手。 When you go wrong, you remember to turn around, and when you love the wrong, you can let go. 66、长点脸,擦清眼,麻烦你看清楚什么叫脸色。 Long face, clean eyes, please see what the face is. 67、热闹的马路不长草,聪明的脑袋不长毛。 Busy road is not grass, smart head is not hair. 68、比你们女朋友美,这件事我也很抱歉。 I'm sorry for this than your girlfriend. 69、我们每天都在放弃和选择之间成长。 We grow up between giving up and choosing every day. 70、你说爱是种慢性流浪,谁也不想在风景里牺牲。 You say love is a chronic vagrant, and no one wants to sacrifice in the scenery. 71、往后余生,没有你,我还是能活下去。 For the rest of my life, without you, I can still live. 72、把快乐寄托在别人身上,总难免会失望。 It is inevitable that happiness is placed on others, and it will inevitably be disappointed. 73、人生处处有伏笔,难免爱过一傻逼。 There are many foreshadows in life, and it is inevitable to love a fool. 74、作为失败的典型,你实在太成功了。 As a typical failure, you are so successful. 75、很好的保障是知道你给我的任何不喜欢都是基于喜欢。 The best guarantee is to know that any dislike you give me is based on love. 76、所有的一见钟情,都是见色起意。 All love at first sight is to see the color. 77、别妄想去猜透我的模样,因为人心险恶,我已学会了千变万化。 Don't try to guess my appearance, because the people are dangerous, I have learned to change. 78、只会幻想而不行动的人,永远也体会不到收获果实时的喜悦。 People who only dream and do not act will never realize the joy of harvest. 79、状态是干出来的,而不是等出来的。 The state is done, not waiting. 80、生活就像我的歌声,时而不着调,时而不靠谱。 Life is like my song, sometimes not tune, sometimes not reliable.





